1 year ago
E90 Episode 90: Hall of Fame Class of 1973
The Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 1973: Doug Harvey, Chuck Rayner, but not Tommy Smith

Episode Notes
Doug Harvey: 1947-64, 1966-67, 1968-69; 19 seasons, 17 seasons
- Totals:
- 88G (21st/13th D All Time at his first retirement),
- 452A (2nd/1st D All Time at his first retirement - Kelly) for
- 540P (4th/2nd D All Time at his first retirement - ),
- +46* (13th/12th D All Time at his first retirement) in
- 1113 Games (4th All Time at his first retirement - Howe, Gadsby, Kelly);
- 123.2 Point Shares (4th All Time at his first retirement - Howe, Kelly, Richard - 1st D);
- At his retirement, Harvey was 1st All Time in Defensive Point Shares (by 7.5 DPS)
- At his retirement, Harvey was 7th/4th D All Time in Offensive Point Shares - Kelly, Clapper, Schmidt, Shore, Gadsby, Clancy)
- Per Game: Harvey obviously doesn’t qualify for the GPG leader-boards and, didn’t qualify for the PPG qualifier at his first retirement; at his first retirement, among D, Harvey was
- 3rd/1st D All Time in APG - Schmidt, Kelly (4 qualifying D);
- If the qualifiers are lowered so that Harvey qualifies, at his first retirement, among D, Harvey was
- 3rd/1st All Time in PPG - Schmidt, Kelly, Clapper (5 qualifying D)
- Era: Of the 12 D to play in at least 738 Games (9 modern seasons) between 1947 and 1964, Harvey is
- 4th/3rd in Goals
- t-5th/4th in GPG
- 2nd/1st in Assists
- 2nd/1st in APG
- 3rd/2nd in Points
- 2nd/1st in PPG
- 5th/4th in Plus/Minus
- 3rd/2nd in Offensive Point Shares
- 1st in Defensive Point Shares (ahead by 7.5 DPS)
- 2nd/1st in Point Shares
- 3rd/2nd in Games
- 82-game average: 7G, 34A for 40P, +3*
- 3-year peak (1954-57): 70-game average of 8G, 58A for 66P; 10.1 PS
- Playoffs:
- 8G (t-10th/6th D All Time at his first retirement),
- 64A (1st D All Time at his first retirement - by 10 over Kelly and 24 over Pilote) for
- 72P (2nd/1st D All Time at his first retirement),
- +7 (6th All Time at his first retirement) in
- 137 Games (4th All Time at his first retirement - Kelly, Richard, Howe);
- Per Game: Harvey obviously doesn’t qualify for the GPG leader-board; at his first retirement, among D, Harvey was
- 2nd D All Time in playoff APG (4 qualifying players)
- 2nd/1st D All Time in playoff PPG (2 qualifying players);
- If the qualifier is set absurdly low, Harvey was last among qualifying D in playoff GPG
- Era: Of the 27 D to play in at least 41 playoff games between 1947 and 1964, Harvey is
- t-2nd/t-1st in playoff Goals (Kelly is ahead by 22)
- t-9th/8th in playoff GPG (obviously doesn’t qualify)
- 1st in playoff Assists (ahead by 10/24)
- 2nd in playoff APG
- 2nd/1st in playoff Points
- 3rd/2nd in playoff PPG
- 3rd in playoff Plus/Minus
- 2nd/1st in playoff Games
- Adjustment for Era:
- Hockey-Reference:
- 102G,
- 573A for
- 675P
- Per Game: Among D, Harvey is
- T-25th All Time in Adjusted APG
- VsX:
- Goals: Doesn’t qualify
- 763A
- 739P
- Traded at 36 for Lou Fontinato (29)
Chuck Rayner: 1940-42, 1945-53; 10 seasons, 7 as a Starter
- Totals:
- 138W (13th All Time at his retirement)
- 207L (4th All Time at his retirement - Worters, Broda, Lumley)
- 78T (5th All Time at his retirement - Broda, Lumley, Worters, Brimsek);
- 25 SO (16th All Time at his retirement) in
- 25,551 Minutes (10th All Time at his retirement) over
- 425 Games (9th All Time at his retirement);
- 61.6 PS (13th All Time at his retirement)
- Averages:
- 3.03 GAA (18th All Time at his retirement - last among qualifying players)
- Era: Of the 9 goalies to play in at least 205 games between 1940 and 1953, Rayner is
- 5th in Wins
- 2nd/2nd last in Losses
- 2nd in Ties
- 2nd/2nd last in Goals Against
- 2nd last in GAA
- 5th in Shutouts
- 4th in Minutes
- 5th in Goalie Point Shares
- 3rd in Games
- Season average: 14-21-7; 3 SO; 6.2 PS in 43 Games
- 82-game average: 27-40-15; 5 SO; 11.9 PS
- Playoffs:
- 9W (t-17th All Time at his retirement)
- 9L (17th All Time at his retirement);
- 1 SO in
- 1134 Minutes (21st All Time at his retirement) over
- 18 Games (18th All Time at his retirement);
- Averages:
- 2.43 GAA (Rayner doesn’t qualify for the leader-boards but if we lower the qualifier so he does he was 14th All Time)
- Era: Of the 13 goalies to play in at least 10 playoff games between 1940 and 1953, Rayner is
- T-8th in playoff Wins
- t-9th/t-4th in playoff Losses
- 8th in playoff GAA
- T-10th (2nd last) in playoff Shutouts
- 10th in playoff Games
- Adjustment for Era:
- 3.25 GAA
- (doesn’t qualify for other adjustments due to no saves recorded)
- Trades: never traded
For Tommy Smith, please listen to episode 32
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